Angel Cards

The Talent Angel Card

Angel Card Talent


Various talents, abilities, acumen, ingenuity


Complacency, arrogance, infatuation, ignorance, incompetence


The Talent angel card stimulates your skills. Every person is unique and everyone has a unique talent. Angels recommend that you now develop your talents. If you do not have artistic inclinations, you will certainly like to cook, talk, do sports, etc. Your senses and aesthetic perception are going to be sharpened as well. Try diving in more sophisticated music, movies or books, study work of the old masters or seek beauty in everyday life. Think of how many great monuments you pass by on a daily basis without noticing. The mug, from which you like to drink, may also have been designed by a gifted designer. This card encourages you to pay more attention to the beauty around you.

Sample reading for your inspiration

Q: What will help me in public service and political effort?

If you want to help others, the Angel Card advises you to rely primarily on what you do best. Public service or especially politics often attract people who base their image on pretence and populism. They tell people what they want to hear, not what they really think. Maybe in such case it is also a kind of "perverse talent", but the cards are silent about this. The Talent Angel Card encourages you not to listen to public demand, but simply to think about what you do best (or ask good friends and family if you are not sure) and share your talent with others in an appropriate way, ideally selflessly. It doesn't matter whether you're an accountant, an electrician, a software specialist, or a chocolate factory manager. There are more than enough people in the world to which you can help.

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