Angel Cards

The Brightness Angel Card

Angel Card Brightness


Brightness, concentration, agility, alertness, attention


Inattention, distraction, clumsiness, restlessness, sleep, overestimation of strength, failure


The Brightness angel card has a very positive effect on your ability to concentrate. Moreover, angels say that mindfulness and quick reactions will be very important for you now. Use this encouragement of your talents for playing, learning or working rather than for bragging and competition. This card will help you communicate with people. You will be able to better argue and communicate. Rejoice in the way your dexterity and alertness improve. This angel card will help you in times when you are distracted, making mistakes or overestimating your strength.

The Image On The Card

This angel card is depicting "Galatea" from the year 1514 painted by a famous Italian painter Raffael Santi.

Swift angels with a precise aiming abilities decorate the sky of Raphael's fresco, which can be found in the villa of the wealthy banker Agostin Chigi (now called Farnesina). Three strong "athletes" are aiming at Galatea and another angel, serving as a midfielder, is preparing the arrows.

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