Angel Cards

The Care Angel Card

Angel Card Care


Care, understanding, kindness, compassion, willingness, diligence


Obscenity, disinterest, anxiety, rivalry, idleness, sarcasm


The Care angel card encourages your mind and body to work in balance. Remind yourself of the phrase "in a healthy body there is a healthy spirit". To feel comfortable, you have to take care of yourself and give your body plenty of exercise, healthy food and rest. At the same time, angels are leading you towards kindness and understanding. Help others and try to sympathize with their life situation and story. This card will also give you the energy you need if you feel like there is a lack of interest from the people around you.

The Image On The Card

The Care card is depicting "Cupid with a Butterfly" from 1888 painted by a French painter William Adolphe Bouguereau.

Cupid (a winged god of love) is sitting on the edge of a forest fountain while a quiver, arrows and a bow are peacefully set aside. With tenderness and diligence, he tries to gently remove the butterfly from his arm. It symbolizes a loving care that we can show towards weak and defenseless creatures. The water behind his back also reminds us of the transience of time. The image is a celebration of "humanity" itself. The point is not to be the stronger and more capable survivor, as is often the case in nature, but that a man adheres to the higher ideals which are making him mature and capable of moral decisions . It is also important to realize that the image of the little angel was painted at a time when a child labor was standard, children growing up on the streets everpresent and health care non-existant and living conditions of children overeall terrible. In the subtext, the painting was certainly trying to prompt people to reflect on the fate of children and their sorrows.

The butterfly itself is a symbol of a rebirth (the caterpillar in the cocoon dies and a butterfly flies out which is similar to the soul flying away from the body after death).

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